Sunday, March 29, 2015

Lvls 10-20

                       level 10-20 (getting around)

Hey guys!! lol been a day since ive seen yall to day im useing 3 diffrent accounts one is : lool4life another is : jennynes also, : cutey101.

we will start out at lool4life at level 9-10 you dont many good clothing to pick from so you wanna go to market place and you can get punk rocker jeans  and z legs :

lol you can tell i edited that DX well still i got pink z legs for 0 beex once and so this is me right now on lool4life  plus inventory: 
and now ill show you 10-15 jennynes i got this acct for 3 years and had 200000 beex and tons of rares all gone .-. :

ik ik i look horrid!!!!! but still im working on building up a good rich inventory!!! and for my cutey 101 acct it will take a sec :
i have way more inventory but i could only do small portion so ive had this acct for two weeks and been on it for two days it had tons of ugly clothing and only like old clothing but i traded and got more stuff from the market place and traded it away and got more rares ik how to trade smartly plus i m sorry to not bloged or updated this blog for so long

Friday, March 27, 2015

How to start yr wzw account-the basis

                            What to wear and do

lol that's my desk top back ground right now its soooo cute right! yeh  I know.  So the hair you want to buy is:

the ones i circled are good starters and the tops is:

the ones i circled yet again and ill show you how to get hot pink and purple at the end of this blog so the shoes you wanna reach for are:

the ones i circled are good ones for beginners and if your on higher level get those red ones because A) no one ever gets it B) its super cute ok so my room is looking like this right now on wzw:

yup hot pink madness!!!! lol so ill show you hot pink and purple now bcz im getting scared im gonna forget:

FF0066 is hot pink and hot purple: 6600FF

and as soon as i find out how to get hot green and hot blue ill come bck and show yall i guess i wanna brag a little and  show you my stuff and i know im new but i got some rares and rich if you wanna learn how just email me at or or

Thursday, March 26, 2015

How to began woozworld

                                        WoozWorld Blog

 Hey guys!!!! I know that a lot of yall think I got hacked but, I didn't someone been posting I got hacked but I DID NOT!!! ok??. I actually just picked a random person and gave them my acct and I was gonna quit but....I didn't because i thought this would be a great reason to make a blog on how to survive Woozworld and get the best clothing for each level.

     So first you make a account on this (below) 
After that just do what it tells you. and i will post down below wut i looked like.

Yeh you know whom ever got the acct was pretty lucky (i'm in blue shirt) and ill post link off my inventory below. I know I know it says giveaway it has my inventory to so yeh!!!!.